Rank qualification is a Unicity Office tool designed to guide you towards achieving specific ranks with Unicity and tracking your progress towards your and your team’s goals.
Each Unicity Rank can be achieved by meeting established qualification criteria, which can be found in the Unicity Compensation Plan. Qualifying for new ranks not only earns you additional compensation, but also new levels of recognition and other rewards.
You can find all the information on your progress toward a certain rank in the rank qualification section on the dashboard in the Unicity Office
Key criteria for reaching a certain rank
- Personal Volume (PV)
- Team Volume (TV)
- Leg Overall Volume (OV), with specific OV requirements per leg varying based on rank.
Your dashboard will display lines indicating how close you are to meeting the requirements for your chosen rank, as outlined in the compensation plan.
Understanding the chart
- On the left side, you'll see the names of individuals representing each leg.
- On the right side, your current volume will be compared to the required volume.
- At the bottom, your current PV and TV are displayed.
Ensure qualification by ensuring all lines are fully filled (darker) or the numbers displayed meet or exceed the requirements. Keep in mind that as you change ranks, the requirements will adjust accordingly.
By default, the rank qualification module will display the rank you achieved in the previous month as the starting point for each new month. As you achieve milestones, the module will automatically update to reflect your progress towards the next rank. You can also manually adjust it by selecting a new rank from the dropdown menu.
Horizontal compression
One remarkable aspect of the Unicity compensation plan is horizontal compression. Essentially, this means that Unicity consolidates the volume generated by your personally sponsored Members and Franchise Partners. Here's how it works in practical terms: The volume from all legs, except the two largest ones, is combined to form a third leg, also known as the compressed leg. This arrangement is dynamic and adjusts automatically based on which legs are the two biggest. Consequently, the leg created by Horizontal Compression can potentially become the largest OV leg.
You can observe this in the example provided: In leg 3, where it says "27 in this leg," it indicates that you have 27 Members and/or Franchise Partners, with a combined generated volume of 102. Another noteworthy feature is that each month, any Personal Volume (PV) exceeding 250 will also contribute to the compressed leg's volume.
This feature optimizes your earning potential and fosters growth within your organization.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support your journey to success.
Learn more about rank qualification in the Unicity Compensation Plan.
Personal Volume (PV): The Volume from products you and your Customers purchase
Team Volume (TV): The sum of your PV plus the PV generated by the Members and Franchise Partners you sponsor
Organizational Volume (OV): The total amount of Volume generated by you and your entire Downline in a Volume Month.
Leg: A Leg is a part of your Downline, starting with the person you directly sponsored and including everyone who has joined Unicity below them.
LEG OV: The total amount of OV in a Leg in a volume Month.
Horizontal Compression: Unicity’s proprietary process of summing a Franchise Partner’s Legs’ OV—while excluding the two largest Legs—to create a single Leg.