HSA/FSA overview
- What is an HSA or FSA?
- An HSA (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account) are tax-advantaged accounts that allow individuals to set aside money to pay for qualified health and medical expenses. These accounts are typically offered through employers. If you're unsure whether you have an HSA or FSA, you can check with your employer's HR department or your benefits administrator.
- What is Truemed?
- Truemed partners with merchants and brands to enable qualified customers to use HSA/FSA funds on products and services that are used to treat, mitigate, or prevent a diagnosed medical condition. Truemed partners with a network of practitioners who evaluate customers’ eligibility and issue Letters of Medical Necessity to qualifying customers.
Letter of medical necessity
- What is a letter of medical necessity?
- The IRS defines a medical expense as, the costs of diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and for the purpose of affecting any part or function of the body.
In order to determine whether certain products or services are legitimate expenses for treating, mitigating, or preventing a diagnosed medical condition, HSA/FSA plan administrators often require a letter from a licensed practitioner. This letter is called a “letter of medical necessity.”
- How long does it take for my letter of medical necessity to arrive?
- Generally, it can be as fast as 20 minutes but up to 36 hours. In some cases, Truemed’s provider team will require additional time to issue a letter of medical necessity based on the needs associated with an individual qualification survey. If you aren’t seeing your letter in your inbox, check spam, then reach out to Truemed at support@truemed.com for help.
Paying for purchases using an FSA or HSA
- How do I make a purchase with my FSA or HSA card?
- When you’re ready to check out, click on “HSA/FSA” as your payment method and select “Checkout.” (The HSA/FSA payment option is only available on one-time purchase orders.) This will lead you to a Truemed survey, which is where you can input your FSA or HSA information.
- What if I have problems using my HSA or FSA card?
- If you have any issues using your HSA or FSA card at checkout, make sure you have enough funds to make the purchase. After completing the Truemed survey, you can complete your purchase with your regular credit or debit card. Truemed will then send you a letter of medical necessity with information on how to submit your HSA/FSA refund. Please note that some transactions may be declined even though your HSA or FSA has sufficient funds.
- Do I need to fill out the Truemed survey every time I make a purchase on ufeelgreat.com?
- If you have already received a letter of medical necessity for purchases with Unicity on ufeelgreat.com, you do not need to complete the survey again, as long as your letter of medical necessity is still valid (i.e., within 12 months of issuance).
- What if I don’t have enough money in my account?
- If you don’t have enough funds in your HSA or FSA account, you can complete your purchase with another credit or debit card and then submit the receipt and your letter of medical necessity to your HSA or FSA provider for reimbursement on eligible items.
- Can I use my regular credit card at checkout?
- Yes. If you prefer to use your regular credit card, Truemed will send you instructions on how to submit for reimbursement from your HSA/FSA administrator.
Eligibility and approvals
- What products are eligible for HSA or FSA payment?
- All Feel Great packs on ufeelgreat.com are eligible for FSA and HSA payments (one-time purchases only). Add-on packs (i.e., products added to your order after adding a Feel Great pack) are also eligible.
- How do I get approved to use my FSA or HSA?
- Before completing the checkout process, you will need to fill out a survey through our partner, Truemed. Truemed’s medical professionals will ask a series of questions to determine your eligibility. Once the survey is complete, you can finish the checkout process.
- Why didn’t I get approved?
- If your purchase was not approved, please contact Truemed at support@truemed.com so they can help you troubleshoot the issue. Please email Truemed with the following information:
A screenshot or copy of the denial notice. This should include the denial reason clearly stated and also the denial code, if provided.
The name of your HSA/FSA administrator, if not clearly shown on the denial notice.
HSA/FSA plan administrators often have detailed requirements, so it may be as simple as re-issuing your letter of medical necessity using the administrator’s form. HSA/FSA funds can be used on products and services that are used to treat, mitigate, or prevent a diagnosed medical condition.
Prices and commissions
- Is the price the same?
- The price and PV will remain the same; however, there is a 7% service charge applied to FSA and HSA transactions for routing and letter of medical necessity for reimbursements.
- How is my commission calculated?
- Commissions on products purchased with an FSA or HSA will be calculated the same as any other purchase. Having an FSA/HSA payment option will help you capture new customers, too!
Returns and reimbursements
- What if I need to return a product?
- Due to federal tax regulations, all refunds for purchases made with HSA or FSA funds must be returned directly to the HSA or FSA card account from which the purchase was made. Only open HSA and FSA accounts may be refunded.
- How long does HSA or FSA reimbursement take?
- For most FSA/HSA administrators, your expenses will be approved within days when you submit it with your Truemed letter of medical necessity. The exact timing will vary based on your administrator.
- I don’t live in the U.S. Can I still get reimbursed with Truemed?
- Unfortunately, Truemed is currently only available in the United States.
- Can I get reimbursed for past Feel Great purchases?
- No. While the exact policy depends on your specific HSA or FSA administrator, we generally advise that you submit expenses incurred on or after the date listed on your letter of medical necessity.
- Can I cancel my order?
- If your order has not yet shipped, our customer support team can cancel the transaction and refund any payment back to your HSA or FSA card account. The refund to your HSA or FSA card will follow the same process detailed in the section above.