The Partners page allows you to more effectively coach and collaborate with Distributors in your downline.
Your frontline
When you click on the Partners page you’ll be taken to a page where you can see all of your frontline Partners.
For each of your Partners you’ll see:
- Total OV
- OV to Next Rank
- Centurion Count
- New Partners
The below table explains each of these columns.
Total OV | Total organizational volume—the total volume or points generated in this Partner’s organization so far this month. |
OV to Next Rank | Remaining Organizational Volume to next rank—this is the amount of volume missing in a given three of a Distributor’s legs in order for them to achieve the rank higher than what they achieved at the end of last month. |
Centurion |
Centurion Count—this shows the month-to-date Centurion Count a Distributor has earned. |
New Partners | New Partners shows the number of Partners who have joined on this Distributor’s frontline this month. |
What else can you do on the Partner page?
Sort — you can sort by any parameter by clicking on the column header or by selecting the field you want to sort by using the drop-down menu.
Filter — you can choose to see only certain Distributors by selecting a filter. Currently available filters include:
- All statuses: all Distributors in your frontline.
- Active: all Distributors in your frontline who have made a qualifying purchase in the last two months.
- Inactive: Distributors in your frontline who have not made a qualifying purchase for two months or more.
- Suspended: all Distributors in your frontline who are currently suspended.
Distributor profile
Click on any Distributor’s name to see their Distributor profile, which shows their progress toward ranks and Centurion bonuses.
Viewing your Partner’s frontline
A genealogy symbol next to a Distributor’s name indicates the presence of a downline. Click the genealogy symbol to see the frontline view of that Distributor.