Unicity Office allows you to check on the status of your business and provides you with resources to enhance and grow your influence.
The dashboard
Rank Qualifications
You will see your Rank Qualifications module on the left side of the dashboard. In order to qualify for any rank, you must meet the minimum PV and TV goals. Beyond your PV and TV qualifications, you’ll need to make sure each of your three legs meets the requirements of a given rank. Read more about Unicity rank qualifications.
- Change your rank: You can filter through different ranks using the rank drop-down menu to check your progress toward each rank.
- See past months: Using the month drop-down menu, you can review your rank status for the past months.
Centurion Qualifications
The Centurion Qualifications module will show your progress toward reaching Centurion status. By clicking “See more,” you can see all of your Centurion-qualifying purchases for the selected month.
Recent Activity
The Recent Activity feed provides a quick glance at recent orders from Members and Distributors on your frontline.
The Office menu
You will find the Office menu on the far left side of the screen. Each page will provide you with different tools to help you keep track of your business.
The Members page
On the Members page, you will find a directory of all of your Members and valuable information about each one, including the date they joined, how many orders they have placed since joining, the number of referrals they have made, their last order date, the volume of their last order, if they have a subscription, when their subscriptions renew, and their location.
The Member profile
By clicking on a Member’s name, you can see their contact info, including their phone number and their email address, in case you need to contact them. You can also see orders and referrals they have made.
Search, sort, and filter
The Members page has the tools you need to quickly see the people you want to find.
- Search for a Member: At the top of the Member’s page, you will find a search bar where you can search for Members by their name, ID, phone number, email address, or location.
- Filter your Members: Below the search bar, you will find various filters to show only Members who match specific criteria, such as Members who ordered a Feel Great Pack.
- Sort your Member list:The drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the Members page allows you to sort the list by the different columns. Alternatively, you can click on each column heading to sort by that column. If you wish to remove any of the columns from your list, you can use the “Manage columns” button to hide any of the columns.
The Partners page
The new Partners page allows you to effectively coach and collaborate with Distributors in your organization. On this page, you can see all of your frontline Partners.
For each of your Partners, you will see:
Total OV: The total volume generated in this Partner’s organization so far this month.
OV to Next Rank: The amount of volume still needed in order for the Partner to achieve the rank higher than what they achieved at the end of last month.
Centurion: The month-to-date Centurion count a Distributor has earned.
New Partners: The number of Partners who have joined this Distributor’s frontline this month.
Sort and filter page results
You can sort the Partners page by any of the column parameters by clicking on the relevant column header or by selecting the field you want to sort by with the drop-down menu. You can also filter the Partners page by Distributor activity. Using the Activity drop-down menu, you can choose to only see “active” Partners (those who have made a qualifying purchase of 100 PV in the past 2 months), “inactive” Partners, or “suspended” Partners.
The Partner profile
To see information about any Distributor in your organization, you can click on their name to open their Partner profile. The profile view will allow you to see their Unicity ID, contact info, their past orders, and a success tracker to evaluate how they are performing in their business. Using the Success Tracker drop-down menu, you can look at their performance over previous months.
Organization genealogy
If a Partner has Distributors in their frontline, a genealogy symbol will appear next to their name. Clicking the genealogy symbol will allow you to view the frontline Distributors in their organization. You can look into deeper levels of your organization by clicking the genealogy symbol next to the name of your downline’s Partners. When you are looking at someone else’s frontline, you will see a genealogy view to allow you to navigate back to your own frontline Partners.
The Action Hub
The Action Hub identifies potential high-value activities you can take to improve your business and further enhance your relationships with your Members. You will find various activity sections to help you connect with your organization.
New Feel Great Members
This section shows you all of the Members who have purchased their first Feel Great Pack within the last two weeks. The first two weeks are a great opportunity to reach out to each new Member to welcome them to the Feel Great Program and make a connection with them. On this page, you can see who they may have been referred by, what date they made their purchase, and their contact info.
Order reminders
This section shows you all of the Members who have gone five weeks or more since their last order. You may want to reach out to these Members and ask them about their experience with the products. This list highlights an opportunity to reach out to those who may have forgotten to reorder.
The Centurion page
The Centurion page provides more detail into your award progress, including your progress toward each Centurion bonus level. On the right-hand side of the Centurion page, you will find all of your Centurion qualifying sales for this month and whether a particular sale was a subscription or a one-time purchase.
Referral links page
The referral links page provides personal links you can share with potential Members.
Your Feel Great link will send individuals to Ufeelgreat.com. After Members have signed up using your referral link, you will receive credit anytime they make an order.
Use the Distributor enrollment link to directly enroll prospects as new Distributors on your team.
You can use the Upgrade link to enable current Members to join your team as a Distributor.
Custom links
Using the custom link box, you can create custom links to specific Unicity products and pages. To create a custom link, select the market your prospect resides within. Then select the website you would like to send them to. Next, select the page of the website you would like to send them to. If you want to send them to a product page, use “Unicity Shop” as the page option. Next, select the language of your prospect. Finally, select the product you would like to share. The custom referral link will populate at the bottom of the custom link section.
At the bottom of the menu, you will see links to Unicity Library and the Distributor Help Center. The Unicity Library provides you with valuable documents to help you with your business. The Distributor Help Center has answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We encourage you to explore the Help Center and Library to find answers to your questions.
We would love to hear your feedback about Unicity Office and any features you would like to see added in the future. To leave feedback, head to the top right corner of the page, click on your name, and then “provide feedback,” which will open up an email where you can let us know what you think.